Monday, September 14, 2009

New heights

I went to Alum Rock Park today for a walk, and in true Bartz fashion ended up doing a steep, strenuous hike up to the highest peak, which provided me with a sweeping view from the observatory all the way across San Jose to the bay. Can't believe it took me so long to do that hike. Been considering doing it for awhile, and it was definitely worth it! Then in memory of all the times dad took me out to get ice cream after hiking, I decided to treat myself. I'm pooped, but it was a day well spent I'd say! :)


time-travelling lackey said...

Wow! That's seriously high up... It would take me awhile to recover from that hike. 8.

Tiffany said...

Sounds and looks like a great hike and day!

Jessica said...

classic bartz day trip!

Lucie Roberts said...

And thanks for sharing the icecream! yumyum